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John Idema

Hearing Care Practitioner / BC-HIS, B.Sci., A.A.S.

Serving At:

Beltone Hearing Care Center – Central Point Office

Meet John Idema

John has been in the hearing health industry for over 30 years.  He completed 3 years of graduate education & training in both clinical & educational Audiology, and 1 year of graduate study & training in counseling and educational psychology. He has a B.Sci. in Audiology & Speech Pathology, and an A.A.S. in Communicative Disorders.

John became inspired to become a hearing care provider when a family member ended up with hearing loss and was fit with hearing instruments.  He naturally gravitated more toward the Audiology field in college over the speech-language pathology field.

Helping others hear better and seeing the improvement in their quality of life, and helping them communicate better with the families, friends, and coworkers, is one of John’s favorite things about being in the hearing healthcare profession.

In his spare time, he loves being outdoors, animals, nature, healthy food, leading an overall healthy lifestyle, and most of all music.  Music is life, and life is music!