Hearing Protection

Did you know that exposure to loud noises can have a serious impact on our hearing health? When we’re exposed to loud sounds on a regular basis, it can cause permanent damage to the delicate structures in our inner ear. The good news is that noise-induced hearing loss is preventable! If you find yourself in noisy environments, like at concerts or on construction sites, it’s important to wear hearing protection, like earplugs or earmuffs.

And if you’re someone who enjoys listening to music or watching TV with headphones or earbuds, it’s important to be mindful of the volume to avoid damaging your hearing. By taking these simple steps to protect our hearing, we can keep our ears healthy and prevent long-term damage.

At Beltone Sound, we offer a wide variety of hearing protection solutions to ensure you can enjoy healthy hearing for years to come – whether that means products for work or play. 

Hearing Protection Devices

Hearing protection devices are typically purpose-built to provide enhanced protection during specific activities. For example, there are hearing protection devices built for:

  • Hunting
  • Music
  • Swimming
  • Sleep
  • Motorsport
  • Surfing

There are also occupational hearing protection devices available for individuals working in high-noise industrial environments, among other solutions. Our hearing aid specialists offer some of the top brand names in each of these categories, including DefendEar and iCustom hearing protection devices.

If you’re unsure about whether you need one of these hearing protection devices, schedule an appointment. We’ll evaluate your situation and make a professional recommendation based on what’s best for your long-term hearing.

Custom Earmolds

It’s never been easier to create your own custom earmolds. These come in a variety of sizes, colors and types. For example, some are solid, while others are soft or spongy. But all custom earmolds offer a secure fit that conforms to the unique contour of your ears. This is why they offer some of the best hearing protection available.

You and your hearing professional can discuss which type of custom earmolds may be right for you during an appointment. They can tell you about new features like filtered attenuators that allow for verbal communication while still protecting hearing and help you choose a product that meets your lifestyle.

Custom Earplugs

You may also be interested in purchasing custom earplugs for your hearing protection needs. Unlike earmolds, these are designed to be worn only in the canal. This makes them a lower-profile way to protect your hearing.

Custom earplugs are also available in specialized forms for those who need them. For example, musicians and medical professionals can find custom earplugs that offer hearing protection while still allowing necessary sounds in.

But it can get a bit difficult to determine which type of hearing protection you need on your own. Your best course of action if you think you need hearing protection is to schedule an appointment at Beltone Sound. We’ll walk you through your options and help you weigh the unique pros and cons of each of them before making a final decision.