Hearing Aid Repair & Maintenance

Modern hearing aids are amazing devices that rely on tiny electrical components to power them. Like any advanced piece of technology, these can experience wear and tear over time. If your hearing aid is beginning to malfunction, the hearing aid specialists at Beltone Sound may be able to help. Because we recognize how essential your hearing aids are to your everyday life, we offer a variety of services to keep your devices in optimal shape – from minor repairs to professional maintenance. 

Common Hearing Aid Issues

You might wake up in the morning, turn on your hearing aids, and realize there’s no sound. Or maybe a hearing device that used to fit snugly in your ear is no longer sitting right. These types of common hearing aid issues happen – even when you take great care of your devices.

If you’re experiencing one of these issues, the best course of action is to bring your hearing aids into our office. We’ll take a look and let you know whether the problem can be fixed in our office in a short period of time or if it needs to be sent back to the manufacturer.

Hearing Aid Repairs

New hearing aids come with a warranty, so if you’ve recently purchased yours, there’s a good chance any repairs that are necessary will be covered by it. But even if your hearing aid is outside of its warranty, we may still be able to repair your problem for a small fee.

Older devices with more extensive damage may need to be sent back to the manufacturer or replaced with a newer model. But relatively new hearing aids without significant structural damage can often be repaired quickly in an office setting.

Hearing Aid Maintenance

If you want to improve the longevity of your devices, establishing a proper care routine is vital. A good hearing aid maintenance plan will involve a handful of difference tasks, including:

  • Cleaning your hearing aids daily with a dry cloth
  • Removing batteries at night to allow moisture to evaporate
  • Examining the hearings periodically for scratches, cracks and other types of damage
  • Other types of maintenance that may be specific to your hearing aid model

The hearing aid specialists at Beltone Sound will let you know what type of maintenance you should be doing during your hearing aid fitting and dispensing appointment. We’re also always happy to answer your questions if you need further guidance.