Hearing Aid Dispensing & Fitting

After completing your hearing evaluation at Beltone Sound, we’ll use your results to formulate a treatment plan if hearing loss is present. Hearing aids are the most widely recommended option for treating hearing loss, so we’ll walk you through your choices and help you find the most suitable device for your unique needs. After that, we’ll schedule a dispensing and fitting appointment for you. This is when you receive your hearing aids and learn how to use them. Your hearing aid specialist will also fit the devices to your ear to ensure they’re comfortable for you to wear and meet your performance needs. 

Understanding Your Hearing Aids

Putting hearing aids on for the first time can be an exciting, but emotional experience. We want to make this process as easy for you as possible so you can enjoy those familiar sounds. Our hearing specialists will walk you through everything you need to know about your new hearing devices to ensure that you’re as comfortable with them as possible before you leave the office.

This may involve completing a few simple tests while wearing the hearing aids. These will help your hearing specialist fine-tune the device so you have the best performance possible before using your hearing aids in the real world.

Fitting Your Hearing Aids

During your fitting session, your hearing professional may give you a short list of questions to answer. Being honest in your response will help us create the best listening experience possible for your new hearing aids. It’s worth mentioning here that your initial hearing aid fitting is just a starting point for personalizing the devices to meet your needs. You may need further adjustments after trying your hearing aids out in the real world. We’ll be happy to make those for you, too.

It could also be helpful to bring a family member or close friend with you to your hearing aid dispensing and fitting appointment. They can help you remember everything that is discussed at this appointment and support you in whatever ways you need it.

Adjusting to Hearing Aids

Your attitude will play a key role in how well you’re able to adjust to your new life with hearing aids. Studies have shown that people who maintain a positive attitude tend to do better with hearing devices. Of course, it will take some time to get used to some of the sounds and experiences that you had before hearing aids. But you will adjust and thrive with your new hearing, eventually – especially if you have family members and friends who support you during this transition.