Industrial Hearing Screening

Have you noticed yourself turning the television up more frequently? Or maybe you don’t hear the birds chirping or the refrigerator humming as much as you used to. Hearing loss can occur gradually over an extended period of time, meaning you are typically the last to realize when something isn’t quite right. If you think the world around you is getting quieter, it may be a good time to schedule a hearing test.

At Beltone Sound, our hearing aid specialists conduct thorough and personalized diagnostic audiologic evaluations for individuals exhibiting signs of hearing loss. Additionally, because we know how noisy various work environments can be, we offer industrial hearing screenings for workers to ensure they have the right on-job protection. 

Understanding Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluations

During your diagnostic audiologic evaluation, several tests may be conducted. It will depend on your age, the symptoms you’ve been experiencing and your medical history. The tests we run will help us establish the type of hearing loss you’re experiencing.  Many common tests of the series will include pure tone, bone conduction and speech during your session. But additional tests may be needed, depending on your results.

Pure-tone tests look for the quietest tones that you can hear at different frequencies. Bone conduction testing is similar, but uses a different kind of headset that can provide further insight into the nature of your hearing situation. Speech testing is primarily used to confirm the results of pure-tone tests. It involves looking for the lowest level that you’re able to identify words and speech clearly.

What to Expect During Your Hearing Test

Hearing evaluations typically take around 30-40 minutes to complete. There will also be some time afterward for a discussion with your hearing professional so that you can review test results and ask any questions you may have. It may be helpful to bring a family member or close friend with you to your initial appointment. They can help you remember everything you discuss with your hearing care professional and provide support if you need it.

Industrial Hearing Screening

If you work in an industrial setting that routinely exposes you to loud noises, you may be required by your employer to complete periodic industrial hearing screenings. These are mandated by organizations like OSHA because regular hearing tests can discover early signs of hearing loss. This way, you can take preventative action before your hearing is permanently damaged.

If your employer requires you to get an industrial hearing screening, the team at Beltone Sound can complete it for you. We’ll work efficiently but without cutting any corners. That way, you get the results that you need without having to spend your entire day in an office.