Beltone Hearing Care Center – Olympia Office

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(206) 452-2221

(360) 236-9894

1800 Cooper Pointe Road SW 7-B
Olympia, WA 98502
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Olympia’s Hearing Care Provider

Olympia is a beautiful place to call home, which is exactly why we are proud to serve this community! There’s plenty to explore here, from the Hands-On Children’s Museum to Percival Landing Park. But when you’re living with hearing loss or tinnitus, it can be difficult to enjoy the places and people you love. That’s why our office exists.

We provide a wide variety of hearing health services from our office next to Titus Willis Auto Mall, behind Phoebe’s Cafe. You can book an appointment with us every other Monday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or reach out directly to learn more about how we can help.

Office Introduction

Hearing Specialist in Olympia, WA

Our team has years of experience helping patients with a variety of different hearing health issues. We’d love to do the same for you – and getting started with our team is easy! Give us a call or book your first appointment online and we’ll help you take the next step toward your hearing health goals as soon as possible.

Hearing Care Services in Olympia, WA

We offer an array of hearing care services to patients in the Olympia community. From initial audiological evaluations that help us assess your hearing ability to hearing aid selection appointments and follow-up adjustments, we do it all. You can count on us to provide the personalized care you need regardless of what that means for you.

Our Services

If you have hearing loss, the next step is determining which hearing aids are right for you. Modern hearing aids are available in a wide variety of styles and have advanced features like Bluetooth connectivity. We’ll help you find the best technology and fit for your unique needs and preferences.

More on Evaluation for Hearing Aids

If you’re unsure about whether you have hearing loss, we can help by performing a wide variety of hearing tests. These include speech testing, bone conduction testing and air conduction tests, among others. We can also help with industrial hearing screenings if your workplace requests these. The data that we get from your hearing tests will let us know whether you have hearing loss and, if you do, what the best course of treatment is moving forward.

More on Industrial Hearing Screening

Hearing Products in Olympia, WA

If you need a hearing aid, we’ll help you find the ideal fit for your preferences. We carry sleek hearing aids that others can barely see, as well as models that take advantage of the latest technological advancements, like directional microphones and rechargeable batteries.

We’ll guide you through the process of using your first hearing aid with an initial fitting appointment. Then, once you take your device out into the real world, we can schedule follow-up adjustments if you find something else is needed. When you put it all together, you get a better overall hearing aid experience.

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Hearing Aid Styles

As hearing aid technology continues to evolve, choosing a style that suits your needs can be challenging. At Beltone Hearing Care Centre, we understand each person experiences hearing loss differently. Not all hearing aid styles are suitable for everyone, so we carry various devices that differ in size, placement, features and amplification.

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Upcoming Events

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One day Event! Appointments Available

Mon • Apr 7th

April Special Hearing Event in Olympia

Olympia, WA | Beltone Hearing Care Center – Olympia Office

Join us for this free event in your area, and take advantage of some amazing, limited time offers. Reservations are required to ensure your spot.

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